Sunday, September 26, 2010

2010.09. - Super Hike to Eppstein - to stay young

The idea what I could do when I join the Club 40+ came to me quickly and easily.

Just had to combine the habit of hiking I took up with Sona with the habit of visiting the Cafe Bar Wunderbare Welt with Norbert on the day of a big live music festival.

So I set out in the Taunus with Laura, Clare, Kelly, Sona & Floppy on a hike from Königstein - over Kelkheim - to Eppstein.

We walked along hiking & biking paths, through forest & over the fields about 15 km.
Took us about 4 hours which seemed to fly by while we talked.

The weather turned out to be perfect & so the shades of colors of the settings around us were just amazing.

We resisted temptation to stop at Rote Mühle, the first Beer Garden on our route.

But by the time we got to the second, Gimbacher Hof, we gave in.
The food was tasty and the beer was cold - so I was told.

We covered the last stretch to Eppstein & decided not to climb up to the Italian Restaurant Kaiser Tempel at the end of hour 4 hour hike - maybe next time.

And then finally -
Eppstein ...

... where we met husbands & kids.

We strolled through the flee market & had a nice meal at the Restaurant Wunderbare Welt.

It was getting late - time to join the audience.

There was a series of concerts by US musicians - playing pop, rock, blues, jazz, ballads ...

... Matt the Electrician turned out to be our favourite.

Here is a song he sang - "Train"

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