Sunday, November 29, 2009

2009.11. - Thanksgiving - Scouting & Ballet

We hardly forgot about Halloween, only to celebrate Thanksgiving now.

At the girl scout meeting a Feast was prepared, complete with ...

... cranberry sauce ...

... turkey and lettuce wrapped in soft tortillas ...

... and most importantly, pumpking pies!

And when the table was decorated ...

... and the food served ...

... we just needed to enjoy what we created!

Daniel and the boy scouts were too busy to celebrate - they needed to finish their carpenter project before the month ended.

In order to build the den's puppet theater they still had lots of drilling and sanding to do.

Not that Daniel or the other boys showed any reluctance to do so...

... as long as they could lay their hands on wood, instead of paper and coloring pens (:(

... but a scout has to do what it has to do, right ?

Annie doesn't have to do dancing but she still does - a lot.

She joined a new school where we hope she will be more challenged and better taught to build on her talent.

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