Friday, July 30, 2010

2010.07. - Summer Ahead, Visitors Here

The Sun Goddess was very kind to the children.
No sooner than school was out, she started a "no-rain-ever-increasing-temperature-cycle" which was about to last for a month, reaching 38-39C

Going swimming became a daily routine - additionally to watching the games of the Soccer World Cup in South Africa.
(Final results: 1. Spain 2. Holland 3. Germany)

Cherries riped within days.
To the kids' delight.

After strawberries, cherries rank on second place of their preference list.

And this is what they come up with while eating cherries for an hour ...

Luckily we got some help from visitors.

Marci, Hanna, Anna and Valer on the way to Hungary from Holland.

Happily posing for a shapshot one day after a major car break-down at the beginning of our street.

You could use this as an example to prove how much more dangerous driving is compared to flying.

Wouldn't really matter for the Dawsons. They can only take the plane from the States.
Which did not go completely without a glitch - or rather a series of glitches either.
Laura, Helen, Rhett and Helen "sitting out" the jet leg ...

... after a hike / bike ride.

Just one day to say hello and say good-bye.

Paths of our family depart and join more frequently over summer.
Here Julia is about to begin a girl scout camp with Lilian.

They become River Runners for a week.

And this is Kiwi & Sky taking their vacation at Martina

To their surprise a blue Lady was waiting for them and moved into their cage soon after they met her.

She seems to be very friendly, strong-willed and tame.
I hope they have a nice vacation together.

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