Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009.12. - First Christmas

Winter blizzards - and all you funny little creatures - you may come -

I am well prepared ...

... fully equipped ...

... and already in the right mood for the holiday season !

The kids could hardly wait to have a go at their Xmas riddle - to find out what their present is and where it is located ...

D - Beast Quest, Sepron the Sea Serpent -

... mistakenly ordered from another publisher with different cover - a misfit on Daniel's bookshelf in a series of over 30 books - but buying the same book with the correct cover was considered to be a waste by him - he paid for all of his book collection himself.
This is the riddle what he solved - he couldn't figure out though what the present was exactly until he found the box:

They say it’s good to stand out, to be somehow else
But there are times when being different doesn’t really pays

One out of many was nothing but mistake,
And now it looks really strange sitting on the shelf

The old will be disposed of, replaced by another,
But where is the new one ? Go ask your father

"The way to your gift son, leads through a door,
You’ll find what you want, where the engines start to roar"

J - CD from Britney Spears, Blackout with Break the Ice -

... although she built up a collection of music from Spears, the one album / song she learnt the coreography for at the dancing club was missing -
The riddle led her to the right CD player but the music itself stayed a surprise until she pushed the play button ...

What can it be that’s so special ? Filling your life every day.
It heals you, moves you, makes you feel what words cannot even say…

When putting it in writing you will not need any letters,
Keys and notes you’ll need this time, they work a lot better …

Although your heart wishes for a little mp3,
We only got a disc for you which makes you count 1-2-3

You want to find out which songs you’re gonna get ?
play the right CD player and get on with your step !

AM - Pair of Star Lights with changing colors -

... this was really hard but it didn't make it any less fun for her to think hard and search even harder for her present.

Humpty Dumpty, Baa Baa Black Sheep, The Spider and the Fly
Remembering another rhyme could help you now, but why ?

Just in case you wonder, it’s Twinkle Little Star,
Your gift comes in two and isn’t placed quite that far.

The stars of the sky all just shine in white,
Yours will be hung up but show you many lights.

The time has come to get them, but where do you start ?
Why don’t you look for a bigger star, made of red art ?

N - NFL Beach Towel "Housten Texans" -

... brings back memories of a great time. The kids were actually quicker to locate the little package than Norbert - nevertheless he was very surprised - and very pleased.

The place you’re gonna take me to is rather hot and sandy,
The things which should be left at home are your computer and handy…

You’ll take me, then you’ll leave me waiting on the shore,
There you’ll hold me very tight & make use of me some more...

I am big & soft & very nice, you’ll know that I am yours,
The country I am coming from was in ’84 still yours.

I bet you want to see me, I want to meet you too,
Come & check the bathroom, then let’s go to Malibu.

Once the children were finished discovering all the secrets and it was their time to hand us a little gift to us and each other, Annie made up her own riddles spontaneously -

- we also needed to guess right to earn her present -

... Daniel was more considerate and
did most of the work himself - he presented us with his self-made Xmas card.

Laura's Xmas cards came along with presents for each child.

They loved the gifts ...

I loved the cards ....

Time caught upon us real fast - we packed up the new car and left towards south east ...

... where Christmas came later ...

... and two more times !!

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